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Getting Started

The following is a technical documentation on how to use superschema in your Terraform project.


For installing the superschema, you can use the go get command:

go get

How to use it

Add to you golang imports :

import (
  superschema ""
Create, for example, a function witch define the superschema of your resource :


This function is used to create the schema for the user resource and datasource.
func userSchema() superschema.Schema {
    return superschema.Schema{
        Common: superschema.SchemaDetails{
            MarkdownDescription: "The user",
        Resource: superschema.SchemaDetails{
            MarkdownDescription: "resource allows you to manage local users in Cloud Avenue.",
        DataSource: superschema.SchemaDetails{
            MarkdownDescription: "data source allows you to read users in Cloud Avenue.",
        Attributes: map[string]superschema.Attribute{
            "id": superschema.StringAttribute{
                Common: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    MarkdownDescription: "The ID of the user.",
                Resource: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    Computed: true,
                    PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
                DataSource: &schemaD.StringAttribute{
                    Optional: true,
                    Computed: true,
                    Validators: []validator.String{
                        stringvalidator.ExactlyOneOf(path.MatchRoot("name"), path.MatchRoot("id")),
            "name": superschema.StringAttribute{
                Common: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    MarkdownDescription: "The name of the user.",
                Resource: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    Required: true,
                    PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
                DataSource: &schemaD.StringAttribute{
                    Optional: true,
                    Computed: true,
                    Validators: []validator.String{
                        stringvalidator.ExactlyOneOf(path.MatchRoot("name"), path.MatchRoot("id")),
            "role_name": superschema.StringAttribute{
                Common: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    MarkdownDescription: "The role assigned to the user.",
                Resource: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    Required: true,
                DataSource: &schemaD.StringAttribute{
                    Computed: true,
            "password": superschema.StringAttribute{
                Resource: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    MarkdownDescription: "The user's password. This value is never returned on read.",
                    Required:            true,
                    Sensitive:           true,
            "vdc_group": superschema.StringAttribute{
                Deprecated: &superschema.Deprecated{
                    DeprecationMessage:                "Remove the vdc_group attribute configuration as it replaced by the resource cloudavenue_vdc_group and the attribute will be removed in the version 0.12.0 of the provider.",
                    ComputeMarkdownDeprecationMessage: true,
                    Removed:                           true,
                    FromAttributeName:                 "vdc_group",
                    TargetRelease:                     "v0.12.0",
                    LinkToMilestone:                   "",
                    TargetResourceName:                "cloudavenue_vdc_group",
                    LinkToResourceDoc:                 "",
                    LinkToIssue:                       "",
                Resource: &schemaR.StringAttribute{
                    MarkdownDescription: "This can be an existing vDC group or a new one. This allows you to isolate your vDC.\n" +
                        "VMs of vDCs which belong to the same vDC group can communicate together.",
                    Optional: true,
                    PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{

Look at the doc example for the generated documentation of this example :